National Induction Methods

Further rambles and information on natural forms of labor induction .
Let's talk about the use of eating date fruit as a natural form of induction.

How does it work?
The efficacy of date fruit consumption in late pregnancy and during labor is attributed to its nutritional and biochemical properties. It’s assumed that if you eat date fruits during labor, that this can be helpful in supplying energy due to the high proportion of carbohydrates, which is mostly fructose and glucose. Researchers also think that date fruits affect oxytocin receptors and help the uterine muscles respond better to your own oxytocin, resulting in more effective uterine contractions.

What does the research say?
In the systematic review with the 11 randomized trials, the researchers found that people who are randomly assigned to eat dates had a shorter length of the early phase of labor, fewer cases of postpartum bleeding, fewer women needed to be induced or have augmentation, fewer of them had vacuum-assisted deliveries, there were fewer cases of ruptured membranes before admission, a higher Bishop score on admission to the hospital, so their cervix were more ripe, and fewer cases of prolonged first and second stages of labor. 

May improve your bishops score and encourage ripening of your cervix making your more favorable for a medical induction. Effective,safe and affordable.

A bit time consuming. Not so fun if you don't like the taste of date fruit. Not suitable for diabetic mother's.

Let's talk about the use of evening primrose oil as a natural form of induction.

How does it work?
Gamma linolenic acid is thought to be the active ingredient in EPO. It is a precursor of prostaglandins E1 and E2 and these are prostaglandins that help ripen the cervix and ready the cervix for labor. So researchers have speculated that EPO impact on prostaglandins could benefit cervical ripening and natural labor induction.

What does the research say?
In a randomized trial( high level research study) , the Bishop’s score was an average of 7.83 with EPO, versus 4.46 with the placebo. All five criteria of the Bishop’s score, including cervical dilation and effacement position and consistency and fetal descent were all significantly improved in the intervention group compared to the placebo group. The EPO group also had a shorter average length of early labor, four to five hours, versus eight to nine hours. There were fewer cesarean in the EPO group, 21% versus 47%, and less use of synthetic oxytocin to induce labor. 29% versus 62%.

May improve your bishops score and encourage ripening of your cervix making your more favorable for a medical induction. Effective,safe and affordable.

A bit time consuming as the women in the study lay down for at least two hours after pessary insertion.

The authors concluded that in this study, vaginal use of EPO with a daily dose of 1000 milligrams from the 38th week of pregnancy until birth can be used to ripen the cervix of first time birthers at term, and can be used clinically for this purpose. They said, “according to the results of the present study, vaginal capsules of evening Primrose oil could be an effective, safe, affordable, and without the necessity of being hospitalized, method to achieve cervical ripening in term first time birthing individuals. More studies in this field are required.

Let's talk about the use of acupuncture as a natural form of induction.

How does it work?
Acupuncture is an ancient form of Chinese medicine , the earliest evidence of the use of acupuncture dates back to the Stone Age, around 3000 BC.

In traditional Chinese medicine, Qi is an energy that flows through the body along 14 different paths. Very tiny, fine acupuncture needles can be inserted into specific points along those pathways to stimulate Qi and your blood. There are 361 different acupuncture points on the body. Acupuncture is administered by a licensed acupuncturist.

What does the research say?

Overall it can be said that we need more research in this area from the highest quality studies found there appears to be mixed reviews. With one study showing little to no effect whatsoever on the favor-ability of the cervix vs another study that showed significant ripening over 24 hours after a course of two acupuncture sessions after 40 weeks gestation.

May improve your bishops score and encourage ripening of your cervix making your more favorable for a medical induction.

Expensive..needles ...that's a no thank you from me


So far, we don’t have any evidence of harm in using acupuncture to induce labor or ripen the cervix in healthy, low risk pregnant people, other than the potential of minor side effects that are not related to pregnancy. There’s also little evidence of benefit, but some evidence suggests that acupuncture at the end of pregnancy might help with your cervix becoming more ripe and ready to go into labor.

This next post is all about nipple stimulation.

Breast stimulation causes the release of the hormone oxytocin by the pituitary gland in your brain. This can lead to the softening and ripening of your cervix and stimulate uterine contractions.

What does the research say?

A Cochrane review in 2006 found that of the women assigned to this technique 37% were in labor within 72 hours versus  only 6% who did no breast stimulation . Studies have also found the likelihood of postpartum hemorrhage went down with the application of this technique too. With an almost 5% decrease of postpartum hemorrhage experienced by those who practiced nipple stimulation. As well as a later study where a randomized control trial found the rate of Cesarean to be reduce also with the rate being only 8% vs 20% . These women also reported a higher satisfaction rate in terms of their induction experience.

Inexpensive and non medical. Gives women power over the process as they can stop and start as they please . May improve your induction outcomes and satisfaction rate.

Time consuming and may have the effect of over stimulation.

Let's talk about the use of red raspberry leaf tea as a natural form of induction.

Beliefs about raspberry leaf is that it is thought to be effective when taken at the end of pregnancy to make you go into labor sooner or to ripen your cervix.

What does the research say?

Through looking at the best quality articles I have found three reviews of the literature and basically in these reviews they found that red raspberry leaf has been used for a long time. Some reports said that it has been used since the sixth century as a medicine. The reviewers basically all concluded that any evidence on red raspberry leaf is very weak and we really don’t understand if it works, or, if it did work how it would work. They also say that more research is necessary before red raspberry leaf should be recommended by health care providers.

So where did this recommendation come from?

There was one study done a really long time ago in 1941 where they tested red raspberry leaf extract on tissue from uteruses from cats, dogs, rabbits and guinea pigs. And they found that if the uterus tissue was contracted already, the addition of the extract made the uterus relax. However, if the uterus tissue was relaxed and they exposed it to red raspberry leaf, they were able to make the uterus contract. Basically they found that toned muscle was relaxed by red raspberry leaf while relaxed muscles were contracted.

In summary
So, in summary, there’s very little research on the human consumption of raspberry leaf during pregnancy. There were no adverse outcomes found in the two studies where they gave raspberry leaf to humans.

The midwives brew!

While certainly not the most delicious beverage you will consume.The research fully back this one up with an 85% success rate, the majority of birthing individuals going into labor within 24hrs after drinking it.

I must stress again, make sure you do not attempt this until AFTER your due date…and discuss with your provider before attempting.

10 oz of Apricot Juice
8 oz of Pure Lemon Verbena Tea
2 Tbsp of Castor Oil
2 Tbsp of Almond Butter

Boil some water and brew the tea. Make sure you brew it pretty strong (let tea bag sit for at least 10 minutes).

Mix all ingredients into a blender, and blend until the almond butter is smooth (no chunks)
Pour into a glass and drink the full concoction on AN EMPTY STOMACH!

*It’s more effective room temperature/slightly warm…but it’s totally fine to drink it over ice if you can’t stomach it warm!”

Would you try this? Have you tried this? Let me know!!
#birthbabybeyond #duedate #naturalinduction #positivebirth #birthdate #overdue #evictionnotice


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Combination Feeding