Elimination Communication - The Gentle Approach to Potty Training from Birth


Potty training is a significant milestone in a child's development, but did you know that you can start this process from birth?

Elimination Communication (EC), also known as Infant Potty Training, is a practice that involves helping your baby recognise and respond to their natural elimination cues. This approach can be an eco-friendly and diaper-saving alternative while fostering a deeper connection with your little one. In this blog post, we'll explore the basics of elimination communication and how to get started.

Understanding Elimination Communication

Elimination Communication is based on the idea that babies are born with the ability to communicate their need to eliminate. By paying close attention to your baby's signals, you can reduce diaper use and even have your baby use the potty from a very young age.

Getting Started with EC...

Observation: Begin by closely observing your baby's natural cues. Babies often show signs like squirming, grunting, or facial expressions when they need to eliminate. Pay attention to these non-verbal cues.

Timing: Timing is crucial. Try to anticipate when your baby is likely to eliminate based on their feeding and sleeping patterns. Most babies tend to go shortly after waking up or after a meal. Watch my YouTube video "here" for my 4 easy catches.

Potty Equipment: You'll need some basic equipment, such as a small potty or a dedicated sink, to hold your baby over when it's time to eliminate. Keep these items nearby and easily accessible.

Communication: Develop a cue or sound that you consistently use when it's potty time. Babies can learn to associate this sound with the act of elimination. Common cues include "pss" or "shh" for a wee and an "uh, uh" grunt or "puhpuh" for a poo.

Consistency: Consistency is key in EC. Stick to the routine, and over time, your baby will start to recognise the cues and respond accordingly.

Diaper-Free Time: Whenever possible, allow your baby some diaper-free time, especially during potty training sessions. This helps you become more aware of their bodily functions.

Positive Reinforcement: Praise and positive reinforcement can go a long way. When your baby successfully uses the potty, offer encouragement and perhaps a small reward like a smile or a clap. We always do a little sing and dance party particularly as they get bigger.

Challenges and Tips

Be patient: EC can take time and practice, so don't be discouraged by setbacks.

Keep a journal: Document your baby's elimination patterns to help you anticipate their needs better.

Educate others: If you're practising EC, make sure family members and caregivers are on board and understand the process.


Elimination Communication is a gentle and eco-conscious way to approach potty training from birth. It's a practice that promotes a deeper connection between parents and their babies while reducing diaper waste. Remember that every baby is unique, so the journey with EC may differ from one child to another.

Be patient, stay consistent, and enjoy the bond that forms between you and your baby as you embark on this exciting parenting adventure.

P.S. I also recorded a new YouTube Video on EC and chatted more through how we approached it at home. I have linked it below, enjoy!!

Kitty x


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